The Clock is Ticking

When we speak about time it can be vague or specific.  It can be attached to things like deadlines and goals.  It can be metaphysical as when discussing time travel or alternate dimensions.  It doesn’t matter how you address it, time is ticking.

Have you ever received a parking ticket because the time ran out.  In this case there is a connection between time and money.  The more we put in the meter, the more freedom we must roam away from our vehicle.  We’re aware of how much time we have on the meter and yet some of us, consciously choose not to put more money in the meter.  For me, those are the gamblers.  The folks who are playing the odds on whether they’ll get a ticket.  Then of course there are those who are unconscious.  They “lose track of time” and when they return to their vehicle there is a ticket on the windshield. 

Our lives are both similar and dissimilar.  We’re born and we are given time.  A big difference is we’re unaware of the time on the meter.  As teenagers we believe we’re invincible and will live forever.  Eventually, we hit an age where we speak of having fewer years to live than we have lived.  We can’t account for mishaps like accidents so unknown factors surround us.

We also must be active and “feed” the meter of life.  We are encouraged, sometimes threatened, to take better care of ourselves for fear of illness (shortening the time on the meter).  Our emotional and spiritual health feed the meter.  It may not feed the time on the meter, but I’m a big believe in the quality of our lives improve.

How do you want to spend your time?  What can you do to improve the likelihood of a longer life?  What’s available to live a more fulfilling and soulful life?

For more art and prompts go to Instagram: @drfiber

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