Here’s to the Next 40: Day 9: Do You Believe in the Power

I’ve had a day filled with spiritual music.  I had a dentist appointment this morning…just a check-up.  I’m one of the most dental phobic people in the world.  I do like my dentist and hygienist, but I still have a level of fear I can’t explain.

On my way over to my appointment, I changed the CD in the car to one of spiritual songs.  Each track reinforced the power of G-d’s power and love.  It allowed me to transcend the fear and enter a space of self-loving kindness.  It was a CD I hadn’t listened to a very long time, so it was like reacquainting myself with an old friend.

This afternoon, I also changed my music.  The CD I usually use for meditation is southeast Asian inspired music.  I put in the CD called “Sounds of Blackness”.  A way to get rooted in tradition (although not mine) of a people with strong beliefs and who share their stories as part of their history, and part of the greater human quilt.

So, what is the power?  This is always a question I ponder.  We don’t have to be rooted in theology, but we need to be rooted in something.  It’s impossible (at least in my belief) to float along without any anchor.  Where do we find the energy sustaining us?  

I hope you’ll join me in this inquiry!

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